CORE-T® Core principles

  Everything is Energy

CORE-T® provides you with easily applicable tools to cope with and reprogram stress situations, wrong beliefs and programming, fears, phobias and disorders of the most diverse nature.
The main pillars are formed by MTT (Meridian Tap Techniques, read: EFT), MR (Matrix Re-Imprinting), WF (Word Formulation) BF (Brain Pulse Frequency = working with Brain Wave Frequencies).
The concept of TSR (Transurfing Reality) is also an important part of the CORE- T® concept.

CORE-T® aims to help its user clear obstacles on the Path of Life in a purposeful and practical way.
Concrete and easy-to-implement actions are provided whereby I conveniently assume that you have no need for extensive and boring scientific reports proving the effectiveness of the methods provided -these reports are abundantly available on the Internet through simple research - but are willing to experiment to determine what effect it has on you.
Recognizing, discovering and simply reprogramming the programs and beliefs that each of us has stored in our subconscious since birth (and even before that) and that unconsciously determine our daily actions will be liberating and will help the practitioner to freely walk YOUR own path.
After years of training of all kinds, reading books and texts, studying mechanisms that determine our actions and searching for the Ultimate Way to self-help and passing on the insights gained, the time seemed to have come for a 'Journey to Insight'.
This decision came after attending yet another course in the Autumn of my Life and looking at the piles of folders containing training ABCDE etc.... thereby asking the question: 'how in the name of God am I ever going to get the essence of all this to the General Public?'
The answer is obvious: simply by starting at the beginning and inviting you, Dear Companion (M/F), on this trip to The Source, the Journey to the Beginning.

My favorite quote from Albert Einstein goes like this:

'Everything is energy, that is all that is real.
Synchronize the frequency of the reality you desire and you will get that desired reality.
There is no other way.
This is not philosophy, this is physics.' This is also the Core Principle of Transurfing / Frequency Selection..

He also states:
'the field is the executive power of the particle' read: the field shapes matter.
Think in this context of iron filings, see how they change shape when you move a powerful magnet above them.
If we extend this comparison to classical medicine versus quantum physics, we see that the former studies the patterns in the iron filings and the latter studies the field (read: the magnet).
Closely intertwined with this we distinguish the Placebo effect (the belief that a certain neutral thing contains a healing substance and subsequently produces a positive effect) and the Nocebo effect (the opposite, a negative, pathogenic belief).
Every day, consciously or unconsciously, we humans think (or reflect upon) negative thoughts, thus creating a gigantic Nocebo effect.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, world-renowned cell biologist states "95% of all disorders are stress related, 100% of all stress comes from erroneous programming and beliefs".

We distinguish the conscious(being) thinking and acting and the subconscious(being).
If we compare these two with a processor in a PC, we can say that the subconscious is about 1,000,000 times more powerful than the conscious.
If we combine this knowledge with the fact that we function 85 - 90% of the time on a subconscious level, we can only conclude that the 'programming' of this Subconscious mind is of immeasurable importance for our feeling of well-being and our health in general.
With every thought (energy follows attention), we should ask ourselves,
"Does this thought, this thought pattern, affect my life positively?".
Consider our thoughts as capital in the bank for our psychological and physical well-being; thus, they are extremely important for our health.

Limitations, wrong beliefs and programming are instilled into the subconscious mind day in and day out from the day of our birth.

Parents, media, school, church, authority, legislators, policy makers, doctors and the... Energetic Field around us! Our hearing picks up information at 40 decibels below our actual hearing level.
This implies that we receive information day in and day out that we do not consciously choose to receive. Imagine being in a supermarket where two rows away someone is holding a can of beans and saying to someone else
"look how expensive these beans are, life is becoming unaffordable, the world is falling apart" then this enters your subconscious without you being aware of it!
You may also have experienced that although you went in in good spirits for your visit to a friend/relative or the like who was hospitalized, when you came out you had a vaguely indefinable feeling, as if something was sticking to your "system.
Well, even if the object of your visit was in the best of health, a hospital is simply a place where, apart from joyous events such as births, etc., there is a lot of pain, suffering and discomfort. Since we are all part of the Great Field, combined with the 40 decibels, it is only logical that a lot of what we can safely call "negative energy" enters your system.

In essence, CORE-T® is a virtual Swiss army knife that the 'Traveler' on the path to self- development -to clarify; letting go of limiting beliefs, of incorrect programming, living a life that is yours finally admitting one's true own nature falls under the heading of 'Self- Realization'- inextricably carries with him/her from day one of getting acquainted with it.

I give talks/lectures, can also be booked for this by mutual agreement, and one-on-one sessions are also possible.