Personally related background

I trained as an EFT-Master Practitioner at the EFT-Academy Europe, followed by a specialization 'Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner' with Karl Dawson, more on this later.

However, my main lessons and insights came-and still come-from the School of Life.
It is there that I, like so many of us, have gained the most 'expertise' on life issues and (blocking) beliefs of various origins and nature and especially in what they can cause.

Accidents, physical injuries, illnesses of all kinds, allergies, traumas and a fairly complex childhood-adolescence course were (and are, there's no finish line) the main subjects in this intense- yet rewarding and at times beautiful training.

 Turning point...

Marc Verheyen
'Marc Verheyen'

   A true 'Turning Point' came at age 43 when a serious private motorcycle traffic accident nearly ended my life. Up to that point,
I was employed in the petroleum industry and practiced a side business in the jewelry industry.
In addition, I was a combat sports practitioner/instructor and occasional freelance motorcycle test driver/writer.
My 'personality' as it were, was primarily built largely around these last two activities, after all, I derived part of my 'image' and 'dignity' from them.

Numerous operations later and after a period of total dependence on others (completely immobile and chained to a sick bed), the realization came that I had arrived at a turning point in my life.

The 'road' was -and from then on became- an intriguing/fascinating and never-ending journey of searching for the True Self, rather than a snapshot, a (temporary-) perception of how others see us, an image of something or someone we think we are at that moment.

On that journey, I became fascinated with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).
Through a thorough training by Koen van Reeth and Veronique Schelfaut -the teachers of the European EFT-Academy- I obtained the certificate 'EFT-Master Practitioner' level 1,2,3 and additional techniques.
During that (intensive) training I came into contact with Matrix-Reimprinting, a groundbreaking psycho-energetic tool/method which uses EFT techniques, with unlimited possibilities.
I followed several courses in England with its founder, Karl Dawson, and obtained - after further study of his book and related teaching material from himself and specialists in various fields in the matter - the certificate 'Matrix Re-imprinting Practitioner'.

Check the official website

Since then, in almost all cases of treatment of human problem issues, ways and opportunities to seamlessly apply and integrate all this into the whole have presented themselves.

Several years ago,
I came across the concept of 'Reality Transurfing'.
In it, world-renowned Russian Mystic/Esotericist/Scientist/Author/Physicist and Quantum Physicist Vadim Zeland describes a theory and method of reality management called Transurfing.
The theory is based on the concept of the Multiverse and Multi - Dimensionalism.
The connection between the Physical -the tangible- and the Metaphysical -the non-tangible, yet no less real- World is highlighted in detail.
Transurfing is a powerful technology for managing reality.
Apply it and your life will begin to change under YOUR direction.

The goal during Transurfing is not 'achieved' as such, rather implemented almost as a matter of course.
It is difficult to assume, at least in the beginning.
The Transurfer's surrounding world inexplicably changes before the observer's eyes.
High-level training in the matter by his rightfully appointed Master-Trainer, Fernando M. Branco, brought even more insight into this vast and groundbreaking matter.

Check the official website

Additional courses included a study of the MIR (Mental and Intuitive Reset) techniques and of the NG (New Medicine or GNM) given at the institute of and by Kristel Couck and a training in F.E.E.T. (Physio Emotional Energetic Therapy) with its founder, Nand Van Ouytsel and the completion of basic lectures 101 to 404 of Silva Mind Control (Alpha Training).

Subsequently, I developed CORE-T®, a core synthesis of all these -and more- techniques, a Psycho-Energetic multitool with which the user can apply on his/her 'issue' at any time.

  ''The ability to liberate the inner self is a cosmic gift to man'

Marc Verheyen